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Course Catalog
Phone: +90 0462 3772805
Katalog Ana Sayfa
  Katalog Ana Sayfa  KTÜ Ana Sayfa   Katalog Ana Sayfa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
First semester courses
ORM1005 Basic Biology X X
ORM1001 Basic Statistical MethodsXX XX
AITB1001 Atatürk's Principles And History Of Turkish Revolution - I X X
ORM1003 Botany-IX XX
MAT1007 General Mathematics X
ORM1013 Introduction to Forest EngineeringXX X X
TDB1001 Turkish Language - I XX
KIM1010 Basic Chemistry
Second semester courses
MAT1014 Mathematical ModellingXX X
FIZ1006 General PhysicsXX
MAT1012 General Mathematics-II-XX
TDB1000 Turkish Language - II X
KIM1016 Analytical chemistry X X X
ORM1010 Botany - IIX XX X
YDB1004 English II XX X
ORM1004 Biometry XX X
AITB1000 Ataturk's Principles And History Of Revolution II X X
Thir semester courses
ORM2001 Turkey's Ecological ZonesX XXX
ORM2003 Economy X XXXX X X
ORM2007 Technical English - I XXX
ORM2013 Computer Aided DrawingX XX
USEC0001 History of Science XXX
ORM2035 Forestry History X X
ORM2009 Construction Knowledge in ForestryX X
ORM2005 Measurement and CadastreXX X
ORM2031 ZoologyX X X
ORM2021 Forestry Law XX X
ORM2027 Soil Science X X X
ORM2011 Gymnosperms XXX
ORM2025 Forestry Work Techniques and Work SafetyX X XX
ORM2033 Forest PhytopatalogyX X
Fourth semester courses
ORM2014 Flowering PlantsX X
ORM2016 Professional English - IIX X XX
ORM2024 Water resources in the forestX X X X
ORM2010 Plant GeneticsX X
ORM2026 Climate Knowledge X X
ORM2008 Professional Ethics XX X
ORM2006 General EcologyXX XXXXX XX
ORM2018 Forest Ecology X X X
ORM2002 Geographic Information SystemsX X X X
ORM2000 Dendrometry XX X
ORM2004 AngiospermsX X
ORM2022 Forest RoadsX X X X
ORM2028 Forest EntomologyX X X
ORM2020 Forest Protection X X
Fifth semester courses
ORM3005 Computer Aided Statistics ApplicationsXXX X
ORM3019 Plant Nutrition X XX
ORM3011 Plant BiodiversityX XXX
ORM3009 Mapping of Forest SiteX XX
ORM3003 @Meadow and Pasture Ecology XXX
ORM3021 Informatics in Forestry X
ORM3013 Rural DevelopmentX X XX
ORM3025 Entrepreneurship X
ORM3017 Remote Sensing in Forestry XX
ORM3023 Forest Enterprise EconomicsXX X X
ORM3015 Basic Principles of SilvicultureXX X
ORM3007 Forest Yield ScienceXXXXXXXX
ORM3001 Watershed ManagementXXXXXX
Sixth semester courses
ORM3018 Integrated Pest Management XXX
ORM3004 Marketing of Forest ProductsX XX X
ORM3006 @Watershed HydrologyXXX
ORM3014 WeedsX X
ORM3012 Operations Research X X
ORM3016 Forest Biodiversty İnventory X X
ORM3010 Mechanization in ForestryX X
ORM3000 Silvicultural Techniques XXXX
ORM3022 Forest Tending XXXX
ORM3008 Forest Administration XX X
ORM3020 Transportation Techniques and InfrastructuresXXXXXX X XXXX
ORM3002 Soil Erosion and Flood KontrolX X X
Seventh semester courses
ORM4001 Tree Breeding XXX
ORM4007 Agricultural Forestry XXX
ORM4005 National Park Management X XX
ORM4013 Non-wood Forest Products X X
ORM4019 Forestry Project Design X XXX
ORM4017 Public Relations in Forestry X X
ORM4021 Forest Policy XX X X
ORM4009 Basic Principles of Forest Management XXX
ORM4011 Professional Experience - I XX XX
ORM4023 Forest Practices-IX XXX
ORM4003 Seed Technology and Nursery Techniques XXX
Eighth semester courses
ORM4016 Industrial Afforestation XX
ORM4004 Fire Ecology X X
ORM4008 @Pasture ManagementXXX
ORM4012 Designing Forest Management Plans in Protected Areas XX
ORM4014 Environmental Protection X X X
ORM4002 Urban Forestry XX X
ORM4010 Afforestation Techniques XXXX
ORM4018 Forest Management XXX
ORM4000 Thesis X XX
ORM4020 Professional Training - II X X X X
ORM4022 Forest Practices-IIX X XX

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