IMB3015 | Kitchen Design | 2+0+0 | ECTS:4 | Year / Semester | Fall Semester | Level of Course | First Cycle | Status | Elective | Department | DEPARTMENT of INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE | Prerequisites and co-requisites | None | Mode of Delivery | | Contact Hours | 14 weeks - 2 hours of lectures per week | Lecturer | Prof. Dr. Tülay ZORLU | Co-Lecturer | None | Language of instruction | Turkish | Professional practise ( internship ) | None | | The aim of the course: | to teach general design principles of wet place in house as kitchen-bathroom etc, to take into account physical and psychological necessity of users |
Learning Outcomes | CTPO | TOA | Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to : | | | LO - 1 : | explain the actions, equipments, action areas (working areas) in residential and restaurant kitchens | 1,4,7,8 | 1,3,5,6, | LO - 2 : | summarize types and design principles of kitchens in houses. | 1,4,7,8 | 1,5,6, | LO - 3 : | explain design principles of restaurant kitchens | 1,4,7,8 | 1,3,5,6, | LO - 4 : | design kitchens which have different types and features | 1,4,7,8 | 1,3,5,6, | CTPO : Contribution to programme outcomes, TOA :Type of assessment (1: written exam, 2: Oral exam, 3: Homework assignment, 4: Laboratory exercise/exam, 5: Seminar / presentation, 6: Term paper), LO : Learning Outcome | |
Related to physical and psychogical-social needs of user; the importance of kitchens in houses, the concept and classification of user needs. Equipments placed in kitchens, functions, areas of functions (work areas) , sequence of functions, work triangle, types of kitchen and design principles of them. General function features of restaurant kitchens and principles of them, current materials used in kitchen design and selection criteria of these material, , important anthropometric dimensions in kitchen design. |
Course Syllabus | Week | Subject | Related Notes / Files | Week 1 | History of house kitchens, importance of kitchen design. Relationship between kitchen and other places in house, concept of user needs.
| | Week 2 | Activities in kitchen, sequence of activities, working areas and work triangle.
| | Week 3 | Equipments placed in kitchen. The relationship between Equipment-Activity and
Equipment-User. Important antropometric dimensions in kitchen design.
| | Week 4 | Types of kitchen and design principles about these types.
| | Week 5 | New design approaches in kitchen . Student presentations related to kitchen designs
| | Week 6 | Materials in kitchen
| | Week 7 | Practices related to kitchen design
| | Week 8 | Practices related to kitchen design. | | Week 9 | Mid-term exam | | Week 10 | Activities and equipments in restaurant kitchen
| | Week 11 | Design principles of restaurant designs.
| | Week 12 | Design principles and material selection of restaurant kitchens
| | Week 13 | Practices related to design of restaurant kitchen | | Week 14 | Students presentation about kitchen that is designed previously by students | | Week 15 | Students presentation about kitchen that is designed previously by students | | Week 16 | End-of-term exam
| | |
1 | ZORLU T. (2022) MUTFAK TASARIMI Konut Mutfakları ve Endüstriyel Mutfaklar, NOBEL, Yayınevi, ISBN:978-625-427-873-0, | | |
1 | Baytin, N. , 1980, Konut Islak Mekanları, Tübitak Y. A. E. Yayın No: 45, Ankara | | 2 | Grandjean E. , 1973, Ergonomics of the Home, Taylor-Francis Ltd, London | | 3 | Woodson, E. W. , 1981, Human Factors Design Handbook, Mc Graw-Hiıı Book Co. , New York | | 4 | Joyce, P. Ve Swift, P., 1988, Kitchens, ed. Mike Lawrence New Holland Publischer, London | | 5 | Ideas for Great Kitchens, Sunset pub, Menlo park, 1991 | | 6 | Murrel, R. ,1986, Small Kitchens, ad: M. Brezley, London | | |
Method of Assessment | Type of assessment | Week No | Date | Duration (hours) | Weight (%) | Mid-term exam | 9 | 24/11/2021 | 1 | 30 | Presentation | 12 13 14 15 | 16/12/2021 23/12/2021 30/12/2021 06/01/2022 | 2 2 2 | 20 | End-of-term exam | 16 | 18/01/2022 | 1 | 50 | |
Student Work Load and its Distribution | Type of work | Duration (hours pw) | No of weeks / Number of activity | Hours in total per term | Yüz yüze eğitim | 2 | 14 | 28 | Sınıf dışı çalışma | 4 | 6 | 24 | Arasınav için hazırlık | 5 | 1 | 5 | Arasınav | 1 | 1 | 1 | Uygulama | 0 | 0 | 0 | Ödev | 7 | 3 | 21 | Dönem sonu sınavı için hazırlık | 20 | 1 | 20 | Dönem sonu sınavı | 1 | 1 | 1 | Total work load | | | 100 |