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GRADUATE INSTITUTE of NATURAL and APPLIED SCIENCES / Marine Science and Marine Biotechnology
Marine Science and Marine Biotechnology
Course Catalog
Phone: +90 0462 0462 3778063
GRADUATE INSTITUTE of NATURAL and APPLIED SCIENCES / Marine Science and Marine Biotechnology / Marine Science and Marine Biotechnology
Katalog Ana Sayfa
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Marine Science and Marine Biotechnology

Prof. Dr. Sevim Köse

Prof. Dr. Kadir Seyhan

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cemal Dinçer

Prof. Dr. Nurettin Yaylı

Prof. Dr. İlhan Altınok

Prof. Dr. Ali Osman Kılıç

Prof. Dr. Abdulaziz Güneroğlu

Doctor Lecturer Uğur Uzuner

Doctor Lecturer Yahya Terzi