Code |
Course Title | ECTS |
H+T+L |
C/E |
Lang. |
* IDE1000 | Dissertation Monitoring Report ( Compulsory ) | 30 | 0+0+0 | Compulsory | English |
* IDE6000 | Phd. Dissertation ( Compulsory ) | 30 | 0+1+0 | Compulsory | English |
* IDE6010 | Seminar ( Compulsory ) | 7.5 | 0+2+0 | Compulsory | English |
* IDEZ6964 | Research in Language and Literature Studies ( Compulsory ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Compulsory | English |
* IDEZ6970 | Research in Social Sciences-II ( Compulsory ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Compulsory | English |
* SBE6001 | Train.for Scienc.Research&Proposal Prep. ( Compulsory ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Compulsory | Turkish |
* IDE6020 | IDE 6020 Classroom Research Applications ( Elective ) | 5.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6100 | Contemporary Literary Theory ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6520 | Readings in Applied Linguistics ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6550 | Advanced Statistical Analysis ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6710 | Dramatic Theories and Criticism ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6912 | Drama in English Language Teaching ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6960 | The British Utopian Novel ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6988 | Phraseology in Literature and Language Teaching ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6990 | Artificial Intelligence and Language Services ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* IDE6991 | Second Language Acquisition ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
* SBEI5001 | Scientific Research and Puplication Ethics ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE1000 | Dissertation Monitoring Report ( Compulsory ) | 30 | 0+0+0 | Compulsory | English |
IDE6010 | Seminar ( Compulsory ) | 7.5 | 0+2+0 | Compulsory | English |
IDEZ6970 | Research in Social Sciences-II ( Compulsory ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Compulsory | English |
IDE06060 | Current Concepts in Foreign Language Education ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | Turkish |
IDE6002 | Current Issues in Language Testing ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6011 | Dramatic Theory and Criticism ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6020 | IDE 6020 Classroom Research Applications ( Elective ) | 5.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6030 | 20th Century English Drama-I ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6040 | Semantics ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6050 | Essential Topics in Applied Linguistics ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6060 | Currnet Issues İn Fcreign Language Edu ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6110 | Selections From World Literatue ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6120 | Qualitative Resarch in Language Teaching ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6130 | Language and Culture ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6140 | Stylistics and Narratology ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6150 | Women and Writing ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6170 | The Rise and Development of the Novel ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6180 | TOPICS FROM MODERN AND POSTMODERN LITERATURE ( Elective ) | 5.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6181 | Melancholia and Schizophrenia ( Elective ) | 6 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6510 | Discourse and Pragmatics ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6530 | Modern European Drama ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6540 | 20 th Century English Drama-II ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6550 | Advanced Statistical Analysis ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6560 | Feminism Drama ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6570 | Readings in Language and Linguistic Studies ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6580 | Feminism in English Literature ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6590 | Shakespare and His Age ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6600 | Intergeneric Relations and Genre Theory ( Elective ) | 6 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6610 | Intercultural Communication ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6620 | Language Teacher Education ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6630 | Individual Differences in Language Learning ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6640 | Contemporary British Fiction ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6650 | Gender Studies ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6670 | Pyschoanalytic Lite.Texts ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6680 | Literature, Language and Movie ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6700 | Corpus Linguistics: Method, Analysis Interpretation ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6903 | Second Language Acquisition: Applied Studies ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6911 | Advanced Corpus Ling. and EFL Clas. App. ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6963 | Medieval Literature and Chaucer ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6980 | Integrating Educational Technologies ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6981 | Narrative Analysis in Language Studies ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6982 | Academic writing for publication in English ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6983 | Posthumanist Studies ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6984 | Narrative Analysis in Language Studies ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6985 | IDE6985 Composition in English for Academic Disciplines ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6986 | Research in Academic Writing ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6987 | Computational Techniques in Linguistic and Likcrary Text Analysis ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE6989 | English for Specific Purposes ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | English |
IDE7001 | Learning Strategy. and Student's Self Direction. ( Elective ) | 7.5 | 3+0+0 | Elective | Turkish |