Education Objectives of the Programme : |
The objectives of the programme are to make the students familiar with the culture, history, religion language and literature of Great Britain and to provide the students with necessary background and information relating to the scientific research, literary analysis and criticism as well as to enhance their oral and written capabibilities, skills and command of English language. |
Learning Outcomes of the Programme : |
Upon successful completion of this programme, students will be able to : |
OP-1: | communicate interculturally, and obtain required skills to interpret and perceive different cultures and develop cultural understanding. | |
OP-2: | comprehend and make a better assessment of English Literature and American culture, Literature and history | |
OP-3: | make an indepth analysis of mythology, Classic, and Neo-Classic art insights; in addition, students will be able to perceive and assess those events which influenced the history of Europe such as Renaissance and Reformation. | |
OP-4: | perceive such literary characters as Shakespeare who rank among the best not only in English Literature but also in the world Literature. Students will also be able to make an analysis of written texts related to Renaissance and other periods of history. | |
OP-5: | get equipped with necessary knowledge for the analysis and critical review of literary texts and necessary knowledge related to language learning and teaching. | |
OP-6: | obtain and apply required information concerning academic text writing such as literature search, summarizing academic sources, borrowing information from academic sources by taking into account the ethical considerations. | |
OP-7: | write various academic texts such as research articles and theses by making use of academic sources. | |
OP-8: | comprehend theories developed in the scope of various scientific fields such as education and psychology, which have influenced the teaching of English language and their reflections on pedagogy. | |
OP-9: | become knowledgeable about various language teaching methodologies developed throughout the history of language teaching and prepare lesson plans appropriate for these methods and apply them in their teaching. | |
OP-10: | understand phonetics, phonological, morphological, semantic, and etymological features | |
OP-11: | get required knowledge and skills related to foreign language learning | |
OP-12: | acquire necessary knowledge for particular areas such as pronouncing English vocabularies correctly and translate simultaneously, compose informal and official letters. | |
OP-13: | improve their ability to compose Formal and Informal Letters, Film Reviews, Brochures and Guides, Newspaper Articles, Resumes and Cover letters, Summaries, and Memos. | |
OP-14: | translate from English to Turkish and vice versa all kinds of written texts, including literal ones. | |
OP-15: | acquire the necessary knowledge and skills required for foreign language translation in not only private sector but also academic fields | |
OP-16: | talk about the theories of writing and administering foreign language tests. | |
OP-17: | talk about and use the research methods used in social sciences. | |
OP-18: | talk about and use the major theories in foreign language learning and teaching. | |
OP-19: | talk about and use the major theories and applications in the field of sociolinguistics. | |
OP-20: | talk about the theories and the problems and their solutions in the field of second/foreign language acquisition. | |
OP-21: | appreciate different cultures and make contributions to EC process and be in a position to find better jobs in their fields. | |
OP-22: | be more competent in the translation of various texts in business and academic life | |
OP-23: | know basic rules and notions of one of the third languages of their choice (French/German/Russian). | |
OP-24: | use French/German/Russian language to meet their needs, both spoken and written. | |
TQF/Programme Outcomes Matrix |