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Course Catalog
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Katalog Ana Sayfa
  Katalog Ana Sayfa  KTÜ Ana Sayfa   Katalog Ana Sayfa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
First semester courses
TIP1051 Educational Research Program X
TIP1025 Coffee History and Coffee Culture X
TIP1009 Short Film Production X
TIP1021 Philosophy of Science X
TIP1027 Stem Cell Resources X
TIP1019 Outbreaks in the History of Medicine X
TIP1007 Scientific Research and Principles in Cancer X
TIP1001 Presentation Techniques X
TIP1011 Introduction to Bioinformatics X
TIP1017 Breath X
TIP1029 The Story of Stamps X
TIP1049 Professional Identity Formation X
TIP1053 Web Design X
TDB 109 Turkish Language X
YDI 113 Reading and Writing in English X X
TIP 100 Medical Lectures - IXXXX
AITB193 Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution X
Second semester courses
TIP2055 The Story of Blood Cells - II X
TIP2039 Science Philosophy X
TIP2051 Science Ethics and Philosophy X
TIP2035 Healthy Longevity Guide X
TIP2021 Philosophy of Science X
TIP2009 Short Film Production X
TIP2037 Stem Cell Immunophenotyping Applications and Antigenic Properties X
TIP2045 Web Designing X
TIP2049 Medicinal Properties of Bee Products X
TIP2019 Outbreaks in the History of Medicine X
TIP2007 Scientific Research and Principles in Cancer X
TIP2001 Presentation Techniques X
TIP2041 Educational Research Program X
TIP2043 Exercise Anatomy X
TIP2017 Breath X
TIP2011 Introduction to Bioinformatics X
YDM 211 Professional English X X X
TIP 200 Basic Medicine Lectures - IIXXXXXX XX
Thirth semester courses
TIP3019 Outbreaks in the History of Medicine X
TIP3007 Scientific Research and Principles in Cancer X
TIP3001 Presentation Techniques X
TIP3039 Educational Research Program X
TIP3047 Current Concepts in Stem Cell Research X
TIP3053 Principles of Apitherapy X
TIP3017 Breath X
TIP3023 Right to Die with Honor X
TIP3011 Introduction to Bioinformatics X
TIP3021 Philosophy of Science X
TIP3009 Short Film Production X
TIP3003 Traditional and Complementary Medicine X
TIP3055 Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy X
TIP3049 Drug Poisoning and Antidotes X
TIP3041 Human rights X
TIP 300 Basic Medicine Lectures - IIIXXXXXXXXX
YDM 311 English in Professional X XX
Fourth semester courses
TIP4029 Pathology Elective Internship X

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