Founded in 1982, the Department of Economics is one of the oldest and the founder department of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Research and education in the department are divided into fields including Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Monetary Theory and Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Theories of Growth, Law, Financial Markets, Finance and Econometrics. Department also offers graduate master and Ph.D. degrees in economics. | | QUALIFICATION AWARDED | | The students who have successfully completed all of the thought courses of the programme with 240 ECTS credits and achieved a CGPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 are given Bachelor's Degree in economics. | | LEVEL of QUALIFICATION: | | European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL), Level 6 | | MODE of STUDY | | Full Time | | ADMISSION & REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS | | 1 - High school diploma, 2 - Obtaining the required grade from National University Entrance and Placement Exam (YKS). The application of the students who have started their education in other universities within or outside of the country is possible. The procedure of the application is announced at web site of the university before the start of each academic year.
For detailed info please visit : http://ofinaf.ktu.edu.tr/en/index.php?ofinaf=sub2&num=202 | | OBJECTIVE of THE PROGRAMME | | Main objective of the department is to provide qualified economists for positions both in public and private sectors. For this reason, research and education in the department are divided into fields including Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Monetary Theory and Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Theories of Growth, Law, Financial Markets, Finance and Econometrics. In order to succeed in this department, students should have the ability of analytical thinking. | | RECOGNATION of PRIOR LEARNING | | The "Directive on Recognition of Prior Learning", Senate Decision No. 340 issued on July 28, 2023, has been accepted and entered into force regarding the students registered in all programs of Karadeniz Technical University to determine the principles to be followed for the recognition, crediting, and adaptation of the achievements acquired by the students at non-university institutions.
In this Directive,
- recognition of knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired with special interest through an exemption exam to be substituted as program courses,
- recognition of workplace and internship experiences through portfolio evaluation to be substituted as program courses,
- and the crediting of certificates received from accredited institutions regarding students' special interests are covered.
Announcements of courses included in the scope of recognition of prior learning, applications, and evaluation will be made on the dates specified in the academic calendar. Recognition of prior learning will offer numerous benefits to our students and employers. For our students, increasing professional development and mobility in the labour market, preventing repetition of education and waste of time, providing early graduation, reducing the cost of learning, encouraging learning, and increasing the student's motivation and self-confidence can be counted among the benefits of recognition of prior learning. From the employers' perspectives, it will contribute to satisfying skill or competence deficiencies in the workplace, reducing the time employees spend outside the workplace for training purposes, and thus using resources more efficiently. | | QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS and REGULATIONS | | To be able to secure the bachelor's degree in the field of economics, the students are required to
(a) have passed all courses in the curriculum with a grade of at least DC form the,
(b) have achieved a cumulative gross point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00,
(c) prepared a graduation thesis, submitted and successfully defended with a passing grade. | | EXAMINATION, ASSESSMENT and GRADING REGULATIONS | | The examination, assessment and grading regulations have been set up for the university by the University Senate and the Department of Economics is bound by these regulations. Each course is assessed via a midterm exam and a final end-of-term exam, with contributions of 50%, and 50% respectively. The marking is made out of 100. There is a requirement to take at least 45 points from the final exam. Grades of 90-100 is assigned a letter grade of AA, 80-89 BA, 75-79 BB, 70-74 CB, 60-69 CC, 50-59 DC, 40-49 DD, 30-39 FD and 0-29 FF. The AA is the highest grade and has a grade credit of 4.00, BA 3.5, BB 3.0, CB 2.5, CC 2.0, DC 1.5, DD 1.0, FD 0.5 and FF 0.0. Grades of AA to CC are pass, DD to FF fail, and DC is conditional pass and requires a CGPA of at least 2.0 for that term. At the end of each semester, the students who failed some courses may take the makeup exam from all courses. | | GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS | | Students who have successfully completed all the courses with a preparatory education and have achieved a GPA of at least 2.0 out of 4.00 are eligible to graduate. In addition to successfully completing the lessons, it is imperative for the graduation to do the dissertation. Dissertation may be taken in the 7th or 8th semester. | | OCCUPATIONAL PROFILES of GRADUATES | | Graduates of this department work as 'economists' on making the best use of manpower, on raw material resources, and also on finding the best way of marketing products. State Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Finance, Capital Market Board of Turkey, Turkish Competition Authority and Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey such as state sector and private sector are the main areas of work for the graduates of this department. | | ACCESS to FURTHER STUDIES | | This programme has also post graduate programme. Bachelors degree owners with 70 National Academic and Graduate Entry Examination (ALES) score and the level of graduation grad point average (GPA) is decided by the Institute of the Social Sciences can apply to MSc program. | | CONTACT INFORMATION | | | | DEPARTMENTAL FACILITIES : | | It has a staff composed of 10 professors, 3 associated professor, 6 assistant professors. The department is using a part of the fifth floor of the first building bloc in faculty of administrative and economical sciences for academic personnels. A part of the first floor of the second building bloc of the faculty equipped with technological classrooms and computer laboratories are allocated to the public administration. All of the academic personnel have laptops computers connected to internet |