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Department of Physics was founded in 1963 under the Natural Science in Karadeniz Technical University. Master program in Department of Physics has been started in 1980 and is being still given the education. |
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The students who has succeeded the programme are awarded with a Master of Science degree in the field of Physics |
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Qualifications Frameworks in the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA), Level 2
European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL), Level 7 |
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Full Time |
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To be a graduate of a department/faculty that meets the requirements of “Lisansüstü Programlarına Başvuruya Esas Teşkil Eden Mezuniyet Ön Koşulları” which are defined by the Board of Graduate Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences and approved by the Senate of Karadeniz Technical University,
Providing at least a base point, which is defined by the Board of Graduate Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences and approved by the Senate of Karadeniz Technical University, in ALES (Quantitative) and a foreign language test to be exempted from foreign language preparatory class (KTÜ Fen Bilimler Enstitüsü Lisansüstü Programlara Başvuru ve Giriş Koşulları),
The students who are accepted for the out-of-field postgraduate programs are supposed to attend Scientific Preparation Program and achieve the courses that are determined by the Board of Institute. |
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Physics graduate programs are concerned with the study of the properties of superconducting and semiconducting materials and the properties of atomic parameters as well as radiactivity measurements. The related experiments are carried out in the Solid State laboratory and in Atomic and Molecules laboratory. Atomic and Molecules laboratory measurements of atomic parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient, frourecence effect etc are performed. Also, radioactivity measurements in environmental samples are carried out. The properties of radiation detectors (HPGe, Si(Li)) are also studied. Graduates with a masters (MS) degree in physics can look forward to careers as educators, senior software engineers, health physics specialists, medical physicists and more. |
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The "Directive on Recognition of Prior Learning", Senate Decision No. 340 issued on July 28, 2023, has been accepted and entered into force regarding the students registered in all programs of Karadeniz Technical University to determine the principles to be followed for the recognition, crediting, and adaptation of the achievements acquired by the students at non-university institutions.
In this Directive,
- recognition of knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired with special interest through an exemption exam to be substituted as program courses,
- recognition of workplace and internship experiences through portfolio evaluation to be substituted as program courses,
- and the crediting of certificates received from accredited institutions regarding students' special interests are covered.
Announcements of courses included in the scope of recognition of prior learning, applications, and evaluation will be made on the dates specified in the academic calendar. Recognition of prior learning will offer numerous benefits to our students and employers. For our students, increasing professional development and mobility in the labour market, preventing repetition of education and waste of time, providing early graduation, reducing the cost of learning, encouraging learning, and increasing the student's motivation and self-confidence can be counted among the benefits of recognition of prior learning. From the employers' perspectives, it will contribute to satisfying skill or competence deficiencies in the workplace, reducing the time employees spend outside the workplace for training purposes, and thus using resources more efficiently. |
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The duration of the program is four terms (two years) and shall be extended to a maximum of six terms. The students are supposed to achieve 21 credits (120 ECTS) of at least seven compulsory/elective courses included in the syllabus one of which is English, as well as seminar and Scientific Research and Publication Ethics (non-credit) up to the end of the fourth term. The students should carry out thesis studies and achieve the thesis defence exam up to the end of the sixth term. (qq. v. KTÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim Yönetmeliği)
KTU Graduate Education Regulations |
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The students are subjected to have a mid-term exam, term paper (project, seminar, quiz, assignment or another mid-term exam), and final exam for each course. The percentage of the mid-term exam is 30%, the term-paper is 20%, and the final exam is 50% for the course score. All examinations are evaluated on a scale of hundred. The students are supposed to have at least CC as a letter grade to be considered as successful at a course. |
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To graduate from master’s programs, the students are supposed to achieve:
- At least 21 credits (at least two of them should be having code 5000),
- At least 21 credits (120 ECTS, at least two of them should be having code 5000) of seven courses including the compulsory ones and English course, as well as seminar and Scientific Research and Publication Ethics (non-credit) up to the end of the fourth term.
The thesis defence exam up to the end of the sixth term. |
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Graduates with a masters (MS) degree in physics can look forward to careers as educators, senior software engineers, health physics specialists, medical physicists and more. |
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Qualifications Frameworks in the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA), Level 3
European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL), Level 8 |
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Department have 6 labs for undergraduate students and 2 labs for graduate students, which are Solid State Research Lab and Atomic and Molecular Physics. |