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Course Catalog
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Katalog Ana Sayfa
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COM2012Engineering Mathematics4+0+0ECTS:5
Year / SemesterSpring Semester
Level of CourseFirst Cycle
Status Compulsory
Prerequisites and co-requisitesNone
Mode of DeliveryFace to face
Contact Hours14 weeks - 4 hours of lectures per week
LecturerProf. Dr. Murat EKİNCİ
Co-LecturerPROF. DR. Murat EKİNCİ,
Language of instruction
Professional practise ( internship ) None
The aim of the course:
To achieve the applications and the impelementation of the mathematical knowledge and solutions on the practical engineering problems, research areas in computer engineering.
Learning OutcomesCTPOTOA
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to :
LO - 1 : apply the mathematics in engineering problems,1,3,4,51
LO - 2 : represent and make a relationship between the physical events can be modelled and mathematical knowledge.1,3,4,51,3
LO - 3 : make a relationship on the multi unknown parameters in real environmental with vectors representation1,3,4,51,3
LO - 4 : have knowledge about the problems can be modelled in time and frequency donmians,1,3,4,51,3
CTPO : Contribution to programme outcomes, TOA :Type of assessment (1: written exam, 2: Oral exam, 3: Homework assignment, 4: Laboratory exercise/exam, 5: Seminar / presentation, 6: Term paper), LO : Learning Outcome

Contents of the Course
Introduction to mathematic application in computer engineering; Complex functions and mapping; Complex differentation and engineering applications; Fourier series, Discrete and Fast Fourier transform and engineering applications; Matrix analysis; Numerical methods in matriz analysis; Determinants and numerical evaluation of a determinant; Basic mathematics in the vector spaces Rn; General vector spaces and rank of a matrix; Computation of Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; Numerical methods for eigenvectors and applications in engineering; Linear transformations; Principal Component Analysis and its application in computer engineering.
Course Syllabus
 WeekSubjectRelated Notes / Files
 Week 1Introduction to mathematic application in computer engineering,
 Week 2Fundemantals of Analog-Digital Conversion and Fourier Seies
 Week 3Discrete Fourier Transforms, (1-D and 2-D)
 Week 4Fast Fourier Transforms and it's applications
 Week 5Correlation and Convolution
 Week 6Systems of Linear Equations
 Week 7Matrices
 Week 8Determinants, applications and numerical solutions
 Week 9Midterm Examination
 Week 10The vector space R^n
 Week 11Linear Transformations
 Week 12General vector spaces
 Week 13Computation of Eigenvalues and eigenvectors;
 Week 14Numerical methods for eigenvectors and applications in engineering;
 Week 15Linear programming
 Week 16End-of-term exam
Textbook / Material
1G. James, D. Burley, P. Dyke, J. Searl, N. Steele, J. Wright; 1993; Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Addison-Wesley.
2Gareth Williams, 2001; Linear Algebra with Applications, Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Recommended Reading
1Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jevis, 2002, Digital Signal Processing, A Practical Approach; Prentice Hall
Method of Assessment
Type of assessmentWeek NoDate

Duration (hours)Weight (%)
Mid-term exam 9 8/04/2013 2 50
End-of-term exam 16 28/05/2013 2 50
Student Work Load and its Distribution
Type of workDuration (hours pw)

No of weeks / Number of activity

Hours in total per term
Yüz yüze eğitim 3 14 42
Sınıf dışı çalışma 5 14 70
Laboratuar çalışması 0 0 0
Arasınav için hazırlık 10 1 10
Arasınav 2 1 2
Uygulama 0 0 0
Klinik Uygulama 0 0 0
Ödev 0 0 0
Proje 0 0 0
Kısa sınav 0 0 0
Dönem sonu sınavı için hazırlık 14 1 14
Dönem sonu sınavı 2 1 2
Diğer 1 10 5 50
Diğer 2 0 0 0
Total work load190