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IKT4019International Political Economy3+0+0ECTS:4
Year / SemesterFall Semester
Level of CourseFirst Cycle
Status Elective
Prerequisites and co-requisitesNone
Mode of DeliveryFace to face
Contact Hours14 weeks - 3 hours of lectures per week
LecturerProf. Dr. Lütfü ÖZTÜRK
Language of instructionTurkish
Professional practise ( internship ) None
The aim of the course:
Aiming of this course is to teach basic concepts for deeply understanding of global issues and to obtain basic instruments for clearly seeing of international political economy's theorical and political dynamics.
Learning OutcomesCTPOTOA
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to :
LO - 1 : gain the ability to evaluate different theoretical perspectives6,81,
LO - 2 : examine the economic, political and social links between global actors and events6,81,
LO - 3 : analysis of global issues6,81,
LO - 4 : consider issues broadly and see how they are interconnected6,81,
LO - 5 : develop the ability to think creatively and critically6,81,
CTPO : Contribution to programme outcomes, TOA :Type of assessment (1: written exam, 2: Oral exam, 3: Homework assignment, 4: Laboratory exercise/exam, 5: Seminar / presentation, 6: Term paper), LO : Learning Outcome

Contents of the Course
Basic concepts of International Political Economy; Liberalism, Mercantilism and Structuralism; Marxism, Feminism and Constructivism;International Production, Trade and Finance; Global Security, Migration and Tourism; Multinational Companies; Food,Energy and Development Problems; Regional Integrations; Global Environmental Issues.
Course Syllabus
 WeekSubjectRelated Notes / Files
 Week 1International Political Economy; Definition and Basic Concepts
 Week 2Basic Actors: International Organizations, States, Markets, Society and NGOs
 Week 3Basic Perspectives: Liberalism; Birth and Transformation of Liberal Discourse; Basic Assumptions and Consequences; 1929 Great Depression and Mr. Keynes; Liberalism and Globalization
 Week 4Basic Perspectives: Mercantilism; Birth and Transformation of Mercantilism; Basic Arguments; State and Markets; Neo and Old Protectionism; Trade and Exchange Rate Wars.
 Week 5Basic Perspectives: Structuralism; Feudalism, Capitalism and Socialism; History and Marx; Lenin and Global Capitalism; Imperialism and World Order; Dependency and Core-Periphery
 Week 6Alternative Approaches: Feminism and Constructivism; Basic Concepts and Criticals
 Week 7Global Production; Multinational Companies; Structure of Global Trade; World Trade Organization; Regional Trade Aggrements
 Week 8Global Finance; Money and Assets Markets; Exchange Rate Systems; International Money Found; Foreign Capital
 Week 9Mid-Term Exam
 Week 10Global Issues: Financial Crises and Debt Crises
 Week 11Global Issues: Petrol and Energy
 Week 12Global Issues: Environmental Disasters
 Week 13Global Issues: Food, Migration and Security
 Week 14Examination of Actual Issues
 Week 15Examination of Actual Issues
 Week 16End of term exam
Textbook / Material
1Balaam, David N. ve Bradford Dilman (2015), Uluslararası Ekonomi Politiğe Giriş, Liberte Yayınları, Ankara.
Recommended Reading
Method of Assessment
Type of assessmentWeek NoDate

Duration (hours)Weight (%)
Mid-term exam 9 11/2022 60 50
End-of-term exam 15 01/2023 60 50
Student Work Load and its Distribution
Type of workDuration (hours pw)

No of weeks / Number of activity

Hours in total per term
Yüz yüze eğitim 3 15 45
Sınıf dışı çalışma 3 15 45
Arasınav için hazırlık 10 1 10
Arasınav 1 1 1
Kısa sınav 3 1 3
Dönem sonu sınavı için hazırlık 15 1 15
Dönem sonu sınavı 1 1 1
Total work load120