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BILB3002Operational Research4+0+0ECTS:5
Year / SemesterSpring Semester
Level of CourseFirst Cycle
Status Compulsory
Prerequisites and co-requisitesNone
Mode of Delivery
Contact Hours14 weeks - 4 hours of lectures per week
LecturerProf. Dr. Türkan ERBAY DALKILIÇ
Co-LecturerProf. Dr. Türkan ERBAY DALKILIÇ
Language of instructionTurkish
Professional practise ( internship ) None
The aim of the course:
To ensure that operations research techniques are used in modeling and solving problems related to a system, and to equip students in interpreting the solutions found by applying scientific methods and techniques in terms of controllable components of the system.
Learning OutcomesCTPOTOA
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to :
LO - 1 : Can determine initial basic solutions for transportation and assignment problems and then obtain optimal solutions of these problems.2,91,
LO - 2 : Can solve network analysis problems.2,91,
LO - 3 : Can solve critical path problems and create a schedule table.2,91,
LO - 4 : Can solve two-person zero-sum game problems using algebraic, graphical, matrix and iterative methods.2,91,
CTPO : Contribution to programme outcomes, TOA :Type of assessment (1: written exam, 2: Oral exam, 3: Homework assignment, 4: Laboratory exercise/exam, 5: Seminar / presentation, 6: Term paper), LO : Learning Outcome

Contents of the Course
Transportation problems, assignment problems, network-network analysis, minimum (maximum) flow algorithm, shortest path algorithm, project management (PERT-CPM), scheduling table, project analysis under uncertainty, games theory. Solution of two-person zero-sum games using algebraic, graphical, matrix and iterative methods.
Course Syllabus
 WeekSubjectRelated Notes / Files
 Week 1Basic Definitions and Concepts.
 Week 2Description of Transportation Models.
 Week 3Analysis of Transportation Models.
 Week 4Sensitivity Analysis in Transportation Problems.
 Week 5Assignment Model and Solution Techniques.
 Week 6Network Analyzes: Shortest Path, Minimum Spanning Tree
 Week 7Network Analytics: Maximum flow.
 Week 8Project Management: Critical path method (CPM).
 Week 9Mid-term exam.
 Week 10Creating the project schedule table.
 Week 11PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) Analysis.
 Week 12Basic Concepts of Decision Theory.
 Week 13Game Theory: Two-person zero-sum games.
 Week 14Goal Programming: Single goal programming, equally weighted multi-goal programming.
 Week 15Goal Programming: Priority multi-goal programming, weighted priority multi-goal programming.
 Week 16End of term exam
Textbook / Material
1Hamdy A. TAHA, 2000; Yöneylem Araştırması, Literatür Yayınları, İstanbul.
Recommended Reading
1Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÖZTÜRK, 2004; Yöneylem Araştırması, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa.
2Prof. Dr. Emin Zeki BAŞKENT, 2004; Yöneylem Araştırması, KTÜ Yayınları, Trabzon.
Method of Assessment
Type of assessmentWeek NoDate

Duration (hours)Weight (%)
Mid-term exam 9 1,5 50
End-of-term exam 16 1,5 50
Student Work Load and its Distribution
Type of workDuration (hours pw)

No of weeks / Number of activity

Hours in total per term
Yüz yüze eğitim 4 14 56
Sınıf dışı çalışma 1 14 14
Arasınav için hazırlık 10 1 10
Arasınav 1.5 1 1.5
Dönem sonu sınavı için hazırlık 17 1 17
Dönem sonu sınavı 1.5 1 1.5
Total work load100