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BILB3007Introduction to Parallel Computing4+0+0ECTS:4
Year / SemesterFall Semester
Level of CourseFirst Cycle
Status Elective
Prerequisites and co-requisitesNone
Mode of Delivery
Contact Hours14 weeks - 4 hours of lectures per week
LecturerDr. Öğr. Üyesi Tolga BERBER
Language of instructionTurkish
Professional practise ( internship ) None
The aim of the course:
The main purpose of this course is to introduce design of parallel programming and parallel architectures. At the end of this course students will be able to design and implement parallel programming algorithms for memory shared or distributed memory architectures.
Learning OutcomesCTPOTOA
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to :
LO - 1 : Understand parallel architectures4,61,3,
LO - 2 : Write programs using MPI4,6,91,4,
LO - 3 : Write programs using OpenMP4,6,91,4,
LO - 4 : Implement parallel algorithms like sorting and searching71,4,
CTPO : Contribution to programme outcomes, TOA :Type of assessment (1: written exam, 2: Oral exam, 3: Homework assignment, 4: Laboratory exercise/exam, 5: Seminar / presentation, 6: Term paper), LO : Learning Outcome

Contents of the Course
This course includes theoretical and applicable information about parallel computing systems, distributed systems, MPI and OpenMP programming.
Course Syllabus
 WeekSubjectRelated Notes / Files
 Week 1Funcdamental Computer Architecture
 Week 2Distributed and shared memory architecture
 Week 3Analysis of parallel algorithms
 Week 4Analysis of parallel algorithms
 Week 5Analysis of parallel algorithms
 Week 6MPI Programming
 Week 7MPI Programming
 Week 8MPI Programming
 Week 9Mid-Term Exams
 Week 10OpenMP Programming
 Week 11OpenMP Programming
 Week 12OpenMP Programming
 Week 13Hybrid Programming of OpenMP and MPI
 Week 14Hybrid Programming of OpenMP and MPI
 Week 15Hybrid Programming of OpenMP and MPI
 Week 16Final Exam
Textbook / Material
1Pacheco, Peter S., An introduction to parallel programming, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers for Elsevier, 2011 (ISBN 978-0-12-374260-5)
Recommended Reading
Method of Assessment
Type of assessmentWeek NoDate

Duration (hours)Weight (%)
Project 15 01/01/2025 2 50
End-of-term exam 16 01/01/2025 2 50
Student Work Load and its Distribution
Type of workDuration (hours pw)

No of weeks / Number of activity

Hours in total per term
Yüz yüze eğitim 4 14 56
Sınıf dışı çalışma 3 14 42
Ödev 3 10 30
Dönem sonu sınavı için hazırlık 4 1 4
Dönem sonu sınavı 1 2 2
Total work load134