INST1003 | Technical Drawing | 2+1+0 | ECTS:4 | Year / Semester | Fall Semester | Level of Course | Short Cycle | Status | Compulsory | Department | DEPARTMENT of CONSTRUCTION | Prerequisites and co-requisites | None | Mode of Delivery | | Contact Hours | 14 weeks - 2 hours of lectures and 1 hour of practicals per week | Lecturer | Öğr. Gör. Dr Murat KARAHAN | Co-Lecturer | | Language of instruction | Turkish | Professional practise ( internship ) | None | | The aim of the course: | This course aims to teach students how to use technical drawing tools and equipment, how to draw different objects from different angles, and how to draw a given floor plan within a certain scale. |
Learning Outcomes | CTPO | TOA | Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to : | | | LO - 1 : | Able to use technical drawing equipment | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 2 : | Can make geometric drawings | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 3 : | Able to draw basic views | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 4 : | Able to draw perspective views | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 5 : | Able to draw intersection and expansion views | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 6 : | Able to draw Section Views | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 7 : | Able to measure | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 8 : | Will know the tolerances | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 9 : | Able to read Floor Plan | 3,4,5,6 | | LO - 10 : | Able to draw floor plan | 3,4,5,6 | | CTPO : Contribution to programme outcomes, TOA :Type of assessment (1: written exam, 2: Oral exam, 3: Homework assignment, 4: Laboratory exercise/exam, 5: Seminar / presentation, 6: Term paper), LO : Learning Outcome | |
1. Introduction of technical drawing equipment
2. Geometric drawings
3. Basic Appearances
4. Perspective Views
5. Intersection and expansions
6. Sectional Views
7. Dimensioning
8. Tolerances
9. Reading Floor Plan
10. Floor plan drawing |
Course Syllabus | Week | Subject | Related Notes / Files | Week 1 | Explaining the basic principles of technical drawing and introducing the materials required for drawing. | | Week 2 | Making various geometric drawings | | Week 3 | Basic view drawings | | Week 4 | perspective drawing | | Week 5 | Geometric drawings | | Week 6 | Intersection and expansion drawings | | Week 7 | Drawing sectional views | | Week 8 | Explaining floor plans | | Week 9 | Mid-term exam
| | Week 10 | Ground floor plan drawing | | Week 11 | Floor plan drawing | | Week 12 | Floor plan drawing | | Week 13 | Floor plan drawing | | Week 14 | Floor plan drawing | | Week 15 | Floor plan drawing | | Week 16 | Final exam | | |
1 | Şahinler, O., Kızıl, F., 2004; Mimarlıkta Teknik Resim, YEM Yayın | | |
1 | Türkçü, H., Ç., Mimaride İzdüşüm Çizim Yöntemleri,Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul | | 2 | Soygeniş, M., 2002; Yapı 3, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2002 | | 3 | Abdullah Sarı, A., 2000; Düşey Sirkülasyon Araçları Merdivenler, Yem Yayın | | 4 | Toydemir, M., Ülger Bulut, Ü., 2006; Çatılar, Yapı Yayın | | |
Method of Assessment | Type of assessment | Week No | Date | Duration (hours) | Weight (%) | Mid-term exam | 9 | 22/11/2024 | 90 dk | 50 | End-of-term exam | 16 | 07/01/2025 | 90 dk | 50 | |
Student Work Load and its Distribution | Type of work | Duration (hours pw) | No of weeks / Number of activity | Hours in total per term | Yüz yüze eğitim | 2 | 14 | 28 | Sınıf dışı çalışma | 3 | 13 | 39 | Arasınav için hazırlık | 6 | 1 | 6 | Arasınav | 1 | 1 | 1 | Dönem sonu sınavı için hazırlık | 5 | 3 | 15 | Dönem sonu sınavı | 1 | 1 | 1 | Total work load | | | 90 |