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TRH3030History of the War of Independence2+0+0ECTS:4
Year / SemesterSpring Semester
Level of CourseFirst Cycle
Status Compulsory
Prerequisites and co-requisitesNone
Mode of Delivery
Contact Hours14 weeks - 2 hours of lectures per week
LecturerProf. Dr. Uğur ÜÇÜNCÜ
Co-LecturerProf. Dr. Hikmet Öksüz
Language of instructionTurkish
Professional practise ( internship ) None
The aim of the course:
The aim of this course is to reveal the process of the Turkish War of Independence under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in all its aspects.
Learning OutcomesCTPOTOA
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to :
LO - 1 : Students will be able to express the outlines of the Turkish national struggle.1,
LO - 2 : Can use the theoretical knowledge they received in the course in their research.
LO - 3 : Can add their own interpretations to the theoretical information they receive in the course.
CTPO : Contribution to programme outcomes, TOA :Type of assessment (1: written exam, 2: Oral exam, 3: Homework assignment, 4: Laboratory exercise/exam, 5: Seminar / presentation, 6: Term paper), LO : Learning Outcome

Contents of the Course
The course covers a period that begins with the Armistice of Mudros and ends with the Treaty of Lausanne. During this period, defined as the Turkish War of Independence, the military and political events led by Mustafa Kemal and his friends are examined.
Course Syllabus
 WeekSubjectRelated Notes / Files
 Week 1Armistice of Mudros and the Developing Process
 Week 2Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Anatolia Transition
 Week 3Congresses and the Spread of the War of Independence to the Grassroots.
 Week 4 National Pact
 Week 5Dissolution of the Parliament
 Week 6Opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly
 Week 7 Structure and Nature of the Turkish Grand National Assembly
 Week 8Domestic and Foreign Political Developments in 1920
 Week 9Midterm
 Week 10 Southern Front
 Week 11Eastern Front
 Week 12Western Front I
 Week 13Western Front II
 Week 14The Great Offensive and Its Results
 Week 15Mudanya Armistice and the process leading to Lausanne. general evaluation
 Week 16End of term exam
Textbook / Material
1Atatürk, M. Kemal, 1989, Nutuk/Söylev I-III, TTK, Ankara
2 Tansel, Selahattin, 1991; Mondros'tan Mudanya'ya Kadar, MEB Yay., İstanbul
3Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, 2000, (Komisyon), ATAM Yay., Ankara
Recommended Reading
1 Onar, Mustafa, 1995, Atatürk'ün Kurtuluş Savaşı Yazışmaları, Kültür Bakanlığı Yay., Ankara
2 Sonyel, Salahi R., 1995; Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Dış Politika, TTK Yay., Ankara
3Sarıhan, Zeki, 1994, Kurtuluş Savaşı Günlüğü I-IV, TTK Yay., Ankara
4Goloğlu, M, 2008; Milli Mücadele Tarihi I-V, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul.
Method of Assessment
Type of assessmentWeek NoDate

Duration (hours)Weight (%)
Mid-term exam 7 17.04.2024 50 dk 50
End-of-term exam 14 05.06.2024 50 dk 50
Student Work Load and its Distribution
Type of workDuration (hours pw)

No of weeks / Number of activity

Hours in total per term
Yüz yüze eğitim 2 14 28
Sınıf dışı çalışma 5 14 70
Arasınav için hazırlık 7 1 7
Arasınav 1 1 1
Dönem sonu sınavı için hazırlık 13 1 13
Dönem sonu sınavı 1 1 1
Total work load120