TLAB2067 | Clinical Biochemistry | 3+0+0 | ECTS:3 | Year / Semester | Fall Semester | Level of Course | Short Cycle | Status | Compulsory | Department | DEPARTMENT of MEDICAL SERVICES and TECHNIQUES | Prerequisites and co-requisites | None | Mode of Delivery | | Contact Hours | 14 weeks - 3 hours of lectures per week | Lecturer | Doç. Dr. Meltem ARIKAN MALKOÇ | Co-Lecturer | | Language of instruction | Turkish | Professional practise ( internship ) | None | | The aim of the course: | To make clinical chemistry analysis and test and to gain proficiency.
Learning Outcomes | CTPO | TOA | Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to : | | | LO - 1 : | Classifies serum enzymes that are important in clinical diagnosis.
| 1,3 | 1, | LO - 2 : | Understands the importance of carbohydrates in metabolism. | 1,3 | 1, | LO - 3 : | Understands the importance of proteins and lipids in clinical diagnosis. | 1,3 | 1 | CTPO : Contribution to programme outcomes, TOA :Type of assessment (1: written exam, 2: Oral exam, 3: Homework assignment, 4: Laboratory exercise/exam, 5: Seminar / presentation, 6: Term paper), LO : Learning Outcome | |
Tests for water and electrolyte metabolism, Tests for acid base balance, Tests for carbohydrate metabolism diseases, Tests for lipid metabolism diseases, Tests for protein metabolism, Tests for liver functions, Tests for heart functions, Tests for kidney functions, Tests for gastrointestinal system functions , Tests related to bone metabolism, Tests specific to the male urogenital system, Therapeutic drug level monitoring, Determination of tumor markers, body fluid analysis. |
Course Syllabus | Week | Subject | Related Notes / Files | Week 1 | Tests for water and electrolyte metabolism
| | Week 2 | Tests for acid-base balance
| | Week 3 | Tests for diseases of carbohydrate metabolism
| | Week 4 | Tests for diseases of lipid metabolism
| | Week 5 | Tests for protein metabolism
| | Week 6 | Tests of liver function
| | Week 7 | Tests of heart function
| | Week 8 | Tests of kidney function | | Week 9 | Mid-term exam | | Week 10 | Tests for Gastrointestinal System functions | | Week 11 | Tests related to bone metabolism
| | Week 12 | Tests specific to the male urogenital system | | Week 13 | Therapeutic drug level monitoring
| | Week 14 | Therapeutic drug level monitoring
| | Week 15 | Determining tumor markers, making analysis of body fluids | | Week 16 | Final exam | | |
1 | Mehmetoğlu, İ. 2013; Klinik Biyokimya El Kitabı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi. | | 2 | Stryer, L. 1988; Biochemistry, Ed 3. New York: WH Freeman. | | |
1 | Murray, R. K., Granner, D. K, Mayes, P. A., Rodwell W. W. 1996; Harpers Biochemistry, Standford: Appleton, Lange. | | 2 | Burtis, C. A, Ashwood, E. R. 1994; Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, W.B. Saunders Company, USA. | | |
Method of Assessment | Type of assessment | Week No | Date | Duration (hours) | Weight (%) | Mid-term exam | 9 | 18/11/2024 | 0,30 | 50 | End-of-term exam | 16 | 06/01/2025 | 0,30 | 50 | |
Student Work Load and its Distribution | Type of work | Duration (hours pw) | No of weeks / Number of activity | Hours in total per term | Yüz yüze eğitim | 3 | 14 | 42 | Sınıf dışı çalışma | 2 | 14 | 28 | Arasınav için hazırlık | 2 | 2 | 4 | Arasınav | 1 | 1 | 1 | Dönem sonu sınavı için hazırlık | 3 | 3 | 9 | Dönem sonu sınavı | 1 | 1 | 1 | Total work load | | | 85 |